CanRehab Specialist Instructor Course

For fitness and exercise professionals
Looking to book onto a CanRehab Specialist Instructor in Cancer and Exercise Rehabilitation course? Scroll to the bottom to find scheduled dates and apply directly, or download an application form and email.

There is a growing awareness in the health and fitness professions of the benefits of exercise programmes.

It is vitally important that patients are given the correct advice by trained professionals who are able to design and adapt a physical activity programme for each individual client/patient which will aide their recovery. On successful completion of the assessment of the CanRehab Specialist Instructor in Cancer & Exercise Rehabilitation and with the correct professional fitness qualifications, you will be a recognised specialist exercise instructor in cancer rehabilitation. 

CIMSPA members can gain 10 CPD points on successful completion of the assessment.


This course is currently delivered as live synchronous online teaching with 6 teaching days from 9.30am -3.30pm daily to maintain high standard of education. You will be taught by several tutors over this time, all of whom are considered experts in their field.

The course structure allows group work, formative assessments, one to one “chat” with tutor, all from the comfort of your own home!

In the days in between teaching you will have a little bit of work to do, which would take approximately 1 hour. You will be provided with the CanRehab Reference manual, course Learners’ Manual and access to the CanRehab Learner’s Portal. This is is online support platform on which all course slides, videos and  Assessment information can be accessed, as well as many other publications and links or interest, and should be used alongside the taught module to enhance self-study. 

In addition, a private Facebook group is set up for each course cohort to ensure students are supported right up until the assessments completed.

  • Fitness professional with at least a Level 3 personal trainer qualification, and preferably the Level 3 Exercise Referral qualification. In Ireland REPs members who wish to register this award require to have EQF L5 Exercise for Health Specialist qualification.

  • Health professionals and academics with specialist interest in exercise and cancer rehabilitation e.g. Physiotherapists.

  • Students with or currently studying a clinical exercise degree or similar programme that have had assessed their competency in practical instruction at level 2 of gym instructor.

  • Qualified Pilates and Yoga instructors can also attend, however there may be some general principles of exercise that this course assumes students attending are familiar with and may require students to study independently. On gaining the CanRehab Level 4 award, it is important to stress that Pilates or yoga instructors adapt the principals they learn to their Yoga or Pilates scope of practice and insurance.

  • Occasionally those involved in running rehabilitation services but not involved with delivering exercise advice or programs find it useful to attend as it gives them significant background information. They would not be advised to deliver exercise programmes without further fitness qualifications.

Live Teaching Days – 6 Days running as 3 days then two week break then 3 days

Time: 9.30AM – 3.30PM

Virtual Meeting Platform: Zoom

Assessment Date: Scheduled 4 weeks after last teaching date

To fully interact in this course delivered live online, you should have access to stable internet connection and be reasonably competent with working with online documents and have ZOOM installed. You are expected to attend every session and interact with the group.

CanRehab prides itself on supporting our students learning experience. Each student is providing with hard copies of a Cancer and Exercise Reference Manual written by Professor Campbell, a Learners Handout, Macmillan patient resources and access to the bespoke CanRehab Learners’ Portal. Through this portal, every student has access to has all lecture slides, videos and educational content.

Furthermore, each course cohort of students is invited to a private WhatsApp group which is monitored by the CanRehab team of tutors and assessors right up to the date of the assessment.

Knowledge and Understanding

  1. Understand the causes of cancer, current cancer treatments and the side effects relevant to exercise prescription.

  2. Be familiar with the most recent evidence on the effects of different exercises on specific cancer types and specific side effects of cancer treatments.

  3. Confidently prepare a reliable and effective system of communication and information gathering with clients and health professionals.

  4. Be capable of carrying out a risk assessment, exercise testing and prescribing personalised exercise programmes for each patient/client living with cancer.

    5. Be able to deliver safe and effective physical activities with patients/clients living with or beyond cancer.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Design of a safe, effective and individualised programme adapted to your patient/client using relevant principles of training.

  2. Delivery of planned activities with your patient/client (and carer if appropriate), predetermined in the referral and assessment process.

  3. Provision of an on-going system of monitoring and assessing your client in order to ensure activity goals are met and/or adapt them according to clients evolving needs and abilities.

  4. Provision of an on-going system of monitoring and assessing the risk of continuing an exercise session / programme.

  5. Competency in being able to communicate and consult with your patients/clients with sensitivity and empathy on issues to do with their physical activity programme and progress.

  6. Aptitude in modifying programme for your patients/clients with common co-morbidities and treatment side effects.

  7. Provision of support for your patient/client in a way which will motivate and promote sustained change in physical activity levels whether within a structured exercise programme or elsewhere.

  8. Ability to design programmes which enable your patients/clients to take part in unsupervised exercise.

  9. Competency in the monitoring of your patient/client’s progress against agreed goals and adapting the programme accordingly.

An online assessment day is scheduled approximately 4 weeks after the final teaching block.

It may also take you approximately 100 hours of independent study for this assessment.

This consists of:

  • Multiple Choice Question Exam
  • Short Answer Question Written Exam
  • “Viva” on CanRehab Client studies
  • Case Study Submission of up to 3000 words on a real client submitted 4 weeks the Assessment Date).

The total current cost for this course is £650+VAT (£780 inc VAT) and may be paid in instalments as long as it is paid in full prior to taking the assessment. Contact us for details or send us an email at

Applicants wishing to register on course from outside the UK and Ireland,  additional fees may apply  For overseas applicants the course fee will be provided on request. Course manuals will be provided as a PDF – with an option to purchase a hard copy at an additional cost.

Please select the course dates you wish to apply for below and complete the application form. We will contact you if we need further information.

If eligible to attend your registration with be confirmed within 5 working days, and further details will follow.

Alternatively, you can complete this V1 Application-Form-2024 and email to

Accordion Content


  • Online

    ONLINE5/2024: CanRehab Specialist Instructor Course

    8th Nov to 21st Dec
    8th Nov 9:30 am to 3:30 pm
    9th Nov 9:30 am to 3:30 pm
    10th Nov 9:30 am to 3:30 pm
    22nd Nov 9:30 am to 3:30 pm
    23rd Nov 9:30 am to 3:30 pm
    24th Nov 9:30 am to 3:30 pm
    21st Dec 9:00 am to 5:00 pm

  • Online

    2025 ONLINE1: CanRehab Specialist Instructor Course

    17th Jan to 1st Mar
    17th Jan 9:30 am to 3:30 pm
    18th Jan 9:30 am to 3:30 pm
    19th Jan 9:30 am to 3:30 pm
    31st Jan 9:30 am to 3:30 pm
    1st Feb 9:30 am to 3:30 pm
    2nd Feb 9:30 am to 3:30 pm
    1st Mar 8:30 am to 5:30 pm

  • Online

    ONLINE2/2025: CanRehab Specialist Instructor Course

    11th Apr to 24th May
    11th Apr 9:30 am to 3:30 pm
    12th Apr 9:30 am to 3:30 pm
    13th Apr 9:30 am to 3:30 pm
    25th Apr 9:30 am to 3:30 pm
    26th Apr 9:30 am to 3:30 pm
    27th Apr 9:30 am to 3:30 pm
    24th May 8:30 am to 5:30 pm
